Learning Task 4 | Cropping an Image

*Crop to emphasize something in the image


Un-cropped Image.


Ive Cropped this image to Highlight the Apple Logo.

*Change the composition and add dynamic movement by moving the main subject out of dead center


Un-Edited Image.


Ive change the composition of the main focus of the image by moving the main subject out of dead center, then adding Clouds and Noise to finish the look of the image.

*Change the orientation by making a horizontal aspect image into a vertical aspect image (or vice-versa)


Un-Edited Image.


Change the orientation of the image from a horizontal aspect image into a vertical aspect image.

*Change the compostion so it adheres to the “Rule of Thirds”


Un-Edited Image, very much in the dead centre.

IMG_2677 (Editied)

Change the compostion of the image according to the “Rule of Thirds”

*Change the composition so you leave a relatively large space for type



IMG_2675 (Edited)

Change the composition while leave a relatively large space for type.

IMG_2675 (Edited2)

The Edited Version Plus Logo

*Change the perspective of an image; take an exaggerated perspective photo and make it “straight” again.


Un-cropped Image.

IMG_2674 (Edited2)

Ive change the perspective of this image, to highlight the logo as well as the camera on the BlackBerry Passport.

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